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ISO 14001:2015 Environmental management system
ISO 14001-2015 Sistema de Gestión Ambiental

Adriana Hernandez

August 5, 2023

Organizations are increasingly concerned with achieving and demonstrating sound environmental performance by controlling the impact of their activities, products and services on the environment. These activities are taking place in the context of increasingly stringent legislation, the development of economic policies and other measures to promote environmental protection, and the growing concern of stakeholders about environmental issues and sustainable development.

Many organizations have conducted environmental “reviews” or “audits” to assess their environmental performance. However, these “reviews” or “audits” alone may not be sufficient for an organization to ensure that its performance not only meets, but will meet its policies and legal requirements. For these “reviews” or “audits” to be effective, they need to be conducted within a structured management system that is integrated into the organization. organization.

The International Standard covers environmental management and provides organizations with elements for an effective environmental management system (EMS) that can be integrated with other management requirements to help organizations achieve their environmental and economic objectives.

It is intended to be applicable to all types and sizes of organizations and to be adapted to diverse geographical, cultural and social conditions. The overall objective of this International Standard is to support environmental protection and pollution prevention, in balance with socio-economic needs.

This International Standard is based on the methodology known as Plan-Do-Check-Act.

PDVA can be briefly described as:

  • Plan: establish the objectives and processes necessary to achieve results in accordance with the organization’s environmental policy.
  • Do: implement the processes.
  • Verify: monitor and measure the processes against the policy, objectives, targets, legal and other environmental requirements, and report on them.
  • Act: take actions to continuously improve the performance of the environmental management system.

Who is it significant for?

Environmental impact is already a significant issue worldwide. Pressure to minimize that impact comes from many sources: local and national governments, regulatory agencies, industry associations, customers, employees, shareholders, consumers, non-governmental organizations, academia and neighborhood associations.

Certification to 1SO 14001 enables you to:

  • Demonstrate to regulators and governments your commitment to achieving compliance with laws and standards.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to the environment.
  • Demonstrate your innovative and forward-thinking approach to customers and potential employees.
  • Increase access to new customers and business partners.
  • Improve environmental risk management.
  • Potentially reduce liability insurance costs.
  • Enhance the company’s reputation.

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