Business Certifications and Accreditations
In order to provide our customers with the best service, we have registrations, memberships and certifications that allow us to fulfill this purpose.

Exemplar Global
Training Provider and Examiner Certification
Certified Provider by Exemplar Global in the Training Provider & Examiner Certification Scheme (TPECS), “Personnel Certification Based on Competency Evaluation”, in this way participants obtain a certificate that supports their knowledge and skills.
Exemplar Global formerly RAB/QSA is an international body that validates the skills of professionals to demonstrate competence which leads to compliance with standards and laws in different countries.

Automotive Industry Action Group
AIAG Members
ECO, Corporación Empresarial México is a member of the AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) which allows us to have the support of the leader and benchmark in the world. We guarantee that our programs and instructors are up to date, complying with automotive standards.

Strategic Alliance
Certification Body
Orion Registrar Mexico, a certifying body with international presence and recognition. Through them we offer our clients integral service solutions to implement and certify a management system.

American Chamber México
Network Members
We belong to the AMCHAM business network, which promotes international trade between businesses in the United States of America and Mexico.

Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
Members of the Council
We are registered with CONACYT with the objective of promoting and strengthening scientific development and technological modernization in Mexico, through the training of high-level human resources, the promotion and support of specific research projects and the dissemination of scientific and technological information.

D & B Duns Number
Active Registration
The standard identification code for businesses around the world, recognized by the United Nations, the U.S. Government and other institutions that is granted to reliable and solvent companies.

Empresa Mexiquense
We have the Mexiquense Company Certificate, which is awarded to model companies of the Government of the State of Mexico that have distinguished themselves for their trajectory, recognition and impact on society.

Secretaria del Trabajo y Previsión Social
Registered Programs and Instructors
For the purposes of compliance with labor regulations, the courses and instructors are registered in the program of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare with which you can prove the validity of the training.
We offer integral service solutions to our clients to boost the competitiveness of their organization and the development of their human talent.