Consulting / Audit Form 1.- General Information Date: Business Name: Email: Adress: Company Website: Name and Designation of Contact Person Contact Number: Business Line: Main Products: Main Costumers: Project Scope (Processes, Lines, Department, Area or Services): Indicate the service you require: Will the service be performed at one of the company's locations? List the other locations: 2.- Number of employees (directly involved in the requested service) Managers: Administrative Personnel: Number of Shifts: Operational personnel: Supervisors: 3.- Current Situation Do you have a management system? Wihch one is it? What kind of documentation do you have? (such as instructions, procedures, manuals) If you have a Management System in place, what percentage is currently in place? Have you identified the organization's processes and their sequence? Do you have any training on the required service? If yes, which one? Do you have a target date for the completion of implementation? Wihch one is it? Is there any expectation of certification? Expected Date: Send Information Your data is protected according to our Privacy Notice, which you can review on our website. Consult it here